Monday, April 4, 2011

OK, God - Thanks for that today

I'm not a worry-er. I'm very much take it as it's given, cross that bridge as you approach it, it'll be fine kinda gal. I don't worry about stuff.

But lately I've been worried about my kids. No, they'll be fine as we move and transition schools and homes and friends and everything else. It's not those major things that worry me and keep me awake at night. Brace yourself... what worries me is Levi's sniffles. See!! It's not even a life-shattering thing that's causing me to stress! It's distressing to me because at night, it really sounds like he can't breath, and sometimes he'll stop for a bit. Mind you, it's been going on since early February. I had horrible thoughts of...well, never mind.

So today, I said a little prayer to God before cracking open the My Utmost for His Highest that there would be a special word for me today. If you have another minute, please read it: The Way to Permanent Faith

As I saw the title my thoughts were, "Excellent, who couldn't use this information!" Yes, it give perspective to my current worst-case-scenario thinking, which is helpful for today, but even moreso it confirmed what I had to convince myself of last night. Amongst the troubling or tough times, God is through it all and it is my fragile faith that causes me worry. See, I realized something about how I'm feeling about God at the moment. I have absolute assurance that He's the author of life, however, I don't always trust it. I realize the outcome will always be greater than what I know the present to be, but I don't trust the methods. I have forgotten His infathomable love for me - I'm convinced that the only way for me to see His blessing is by traveling through the pain - that He'll bring difficult or horrible things into my life so that I may see the blessings.

I expect disaster. And I don't think that's who God is. I believe it's the work of Satan in my mind as of late. And I and my family are easy targets right now.

I'm still supremely confident that God is moving and working all over the place in our family, in Rockford, in Corvallis, in my kids. And my worries: it doesn't add a minute to my life. (Matthew 6:27)

Ha! Busted, Satan!! (At least this time.)

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