Thursday, February 11, 2010

Party Time!!

I have to say, I have an amazing husband! And he knows I need my amazing friends.

Today was my last chemo treatment. Hazaaah!! I'll admit I almost didn't go. I've noticed a pattern over the last 4 treatments that on the day/night before not only do I go into a depression-like funk, but sometimes I actually start to feel like I've already begun treatment. The brain's an amazing thing, huh? So needless to say, yesterday was a horrible day for me, but I've got an amazing husband who recognized what I need & insisted on helping me, and an amazing community of friends that continue to support our family (thank you Visser family!). They got me - us - through it. It was very good for them to help with the kids yesterday.

Today I woke up overly anxious. I couldn't get out the door soon enough to get it over with. My poor doctors usually get 'punchy Amanda,' (the sarcastic, pessimistic version) but they're good sports about it - at least at 'bedside.' Maybe they all walk out wiping their brow and pulling faces, I'll never know! Josh gave me a great 'silver-lining' pep talk on the way there. He's good at it and I've recommended the talk to a few people already :) It helped, too, that I was able to get a good chunk of time with my sister Lisa who went with me today. So I did it. I finished chemo!

When I got home (can I just tell you how great Josh is??) there were flowers and valentine chocolates waiting (which I ate [the chocolates, that is] because tomorrow I won't be able to taste them) and a note saying he's got a babysitter and we're going out tonight. What a man! But it gets better... He surprised me by inviting a bunch of friends and my sister to meet us at the restaurant!! I have never felt so special and pleased to celebrate a gucky day in my life! Thank you everyone. Thank you, Josh.

(Josh started his own blog yesterday: "My wife has cancer" I haven't googled the topic (and maybe it'll have a different purpose), but I'm not sure there's many blogs about what it's like to be the support system for a spouse going through cancer. Maybe there is. It's a brand new blog so there's nothing posted just yet.)

So enough about my wonderful hubby - focus, Amanda, it's a cancer blog.
The Plan: tomorrow I'll go for the WBC-boosting Neulasta shot (because it didn't work out not to) and then mentally check out for the weekend. Josh'll move much of the house to storage and our 'new home' over the weekend, we'll manage side-effects all next week, move out and then we're done-done with this round of chemo. I cannot wait!

So we've done a little partying, now to run on the warm beach :)

Oh! We need a home for George the cat, STAT! He needs a permanent or temporary home before we move out on the 21st. Here's a pic and if you (or any friends) wanna adopt or borrow, please let us know. He'll be put down if he's brought to the shelter, I'm quite certain, and he's too nice a cat for that, poor thing.

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