Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Some week!

Well last week was a trip to the ER. This week is a double-trip to the kids' doctor's office. JUST the place I do NOT want to be right now.

Esther and Levi both have ear infections. Esther went in on Monday. Levi was checked that day, but was fine. Naturally. But by Tuesday night he, too, was complaining of a painful ear. So...antibiotics for everyone! Thankfully we've discovered the free meds from Meijer. Yea! My cipro and their amox. was free! Makes you wonder who's paying for them. I'm guessing NOT Meijer.

This past weekend we - scratch that - Josh and a couple of buddies (thank you George and Dave!) moved some - scratch that - lots of furniture out of the basement, stuff from the shed and garage, and some from the storage area over to the new storage unit. (I sound like we should be on an episode of "Clean House"!) This Friday a few other friends (thank Dirk/Kristen and Dave/Sally!) will come spend a good chunk of time helping box up stuff all over the house. The following week, we'll probably move stuff/furniture to the Kenyons and then the week after that - we're out! And homeless! Yea! Oh ya, and have a round of chemo in there, too.

Even though it's the last round of chemo, I still dread the thought of going. I was bemoaning my situation this week. You know, for being a primarily (though not entirely) 'female' disease, it certainly has a way of making you feel less womanly. And why does it take so long to treat it when theoretically the cancer's gone following surgery? Why can an antibiotic kill a virus/bacteria in 5-10 days, and it takes months and months and all your hair falling out for a cancer cell to die? I can't imagine the chemo drugs are that much less hefty. Sigh. One to go. Almost done. And I can almost see the "5:00 shadow-ish" look of my hair without squinting into the mirror. So those are all good things.

Did you know...
Read a devotional this week (My Utmost for His Highest again). It put it so plainly and I don't know if I've heard it said so clearly - our redemption is not for our sake, that is for us to be closer to God, but it's for God's sake - so that he may be glorified. I always kinda thought salvation was for us to get 'out of the muck' but, Hello!, our salvation is for God that we may glorify him. Imagine's not about me. Funny thing. :) We so often strive to 'save' someone when in reality we should be redeeming them for God.

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