Monday, May 31, 2010

Up on the rooftop...

No, it's not Christmas in May...I have shingles now! (get it? rooftop...shingles? Ha!)

So here's the back-story. I got my port out on Monday, May 10 just as planned - so almost 3 weeks ago now. Two days later I had horrible shoulder tension (opposite shoulder) that I attributed to general tension or overuse (or is it something to do with the meds at port removal??). Tension/overuse seemed logical as we'd had a few weeks of a stomach bug running through our kids and I'd spent WAY too much time with the carpet cleaner. About the same time that the tension started I got a funny, rashy spot on my shoulder - you know, right where your trapezius muscle knots up - so almost directly over the worst of my tension and pain. (My dad used to grab those knots and squeeze them to release the tension if I mentioned I had a headache. I quickly learned two things: 1. Don't mention to Dad that you have a headache and 2. pressure actually does get rid of the tension!) So I was having a hard time figuring out the tension and the rash. Did I need to stretch the muscle? Exercise the muscle? Relax more? Was the rash poison ivy/oak from trompin' through the woods? Had I touched something and then pressed on those knots and now had some kind of contact dermatitus? Can tension come out through the skin? Was it sun poisoning? A radiation reaction? Strange reaction to the port? I tried stretching, yoga, relaxation, calamine lotion, hydrocortizone cream, Bag Balm, drying it out, you name it.

After about a week (which happened to be my self-imposed deadline for calling the doctor) the rash was beginning to resolve itself. What wasn't getting any better was my shoulder and muscle tension. After dealing with this 'muscle thing' for almost two weeks, I finally went the route of limiting the use of my arm. I wasn't so excited about it b/c the last thing I wanted was a frozen shoulder from not using my arm enough. (I typically do lots of stretching with that arm due to surgery and radiation. It tends to tighten up more than usual.) So a call to the doc was made and an appointment set for this past Thursday. I felt a bit sheepish about going and spent a great deal of mental energy coming up with a good explanation for why I was taking up an appointment slot because I 'stressed out' and unable to get rid of the tension in my neck and shoulder.

The appointment was uneventful and OT was recommended.

That evening Josh had a message on his cell phone from my surgeon that she had a question for me and needed me to call right away the next day. Upon calling and connecting with her nurse practitioner and answering a series of questions about the rash, it was decided that it was indeed shingles. (Great, I just aged about 15 years! Old people get shingles!) Upon investigation, shingles is fairly common after radiation. Wish I had known that!

So, now what exactly IS shingles? Shingles is dormant chicken pox that resides in nerve cells. When it's triggered, and 'they' don't really know what triggers it except maybe depressed immune system and stress, the virus moves out of the nerves and is usually evidenced on the skin as a rash (not always) and can very painful. It may seem strange to say, but YEA! It's shingles!! At least my troubles have an actual diagnosis and it's not stored up, unresolved tension. But I'll tell ya, now that I can connect the dots better... For days I was not sleeping well because of strange things going on, things like my arm consistently going numb, spasms in my back (my rhomboids), and an achey shoulder. It explains why my arm has been feeling heavy and tired. And probably I am quite tense in the shoulders trying to carry and manage the symptoms of this shingles-thing.

But the funny thing is, this time there's NOT a drug for this! Had I shown them the rash when it first showed up, they could've given me an antibiotic. And if it doesn't resolve soon, they have a drug to treat what I would presume to be early phases of postherpetic neuralgia. But we'll cross that bridge when/if we get there. Right now I'm just takin' it easy! Doctor's orders!! :)

I've got other pithy mostly non-treatment related thoughts that I'll put in another posting so this isn't so long.

1 comment:

  1. oooohh, i had shingles, they are the worst! I had mine in the arm fun. SO, I hope they have resolved themselves. Actually, there is a pill for them (in any case they come back... celebrex, the pill for herpes, of which shingles is a strain of, it cleared me right up...). Hope all is well.
