Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Grandpa and The Grr Factor

There's really no info to report that's particular to my treatment. I go again in Thursday so this is "my week" - the week when I feel like I want to feel. The week after treatment I call "Dr Campbell's week" - the week I feel like how Dr. Campbell wants me to feel. Gross.

My musings:
Today marks one year since we laid my dear Grandpa Spoelhof to rest at age 99. I was jogging today when the song "In Christ Alone" popped on the ipod. It's a song we sang at Grandpa's memorial service. It sent me to tears. I mourned that I am no longer able to be with him, but at the same time I needed to remember that he's in heaven! Eternity with the all-glorious, holy, Creator, Father God. An eternity of praise and adoration. Hmmm, not bad. I'm sad for me and rejoice for him.

I was reflecting on how he touched my life and this is what I concluded: he taught me acceptance, or at the least, tolerance of everyone, and that everyone is important enough to deserve a introduction and to learn a bit about them. And he taught me the importance of living a life without regrets. Thanks, Grandpa!

The Grr Factor
Ever tried jogging and crying? It's actually quite cleansing. It can get ya to The Grr Factor much easier! The Grr Factor's that point when mind and body go on auto-pilot and you can just GO. There's exercise (and that's just drudgery) and then there's exercise with the Grr Factor. You can get all your aggressions, frustrations - all those -ations - out of your system, or just set life aside for a little while. It's pure focus, or something. Anyway, my words of the day: Pursue the Grr Factor! Otherwise you just end up grumpy with sore muscles or a headache.

BTW it's recommended that women with breast cancer exercise about 4 hrs a week to improve survival rates. Read more Interestingly I also learned this summer through Josh's CPE internship that my particular personality type needs to exercise regularly to be emotionally healthy. God's at work (in strange ways), don't you know?

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