Wednesday, September 30, 2009


For those of you who don't like medical stuff, this first bit may not be for you - so know you've been warned!

Another visit to Dr. Cullen's and the drain tubes were removed today! Yea!! Mostly that's a good indication that healing is going well and it's one less thing to deal with every day. I was so giggly and giddy at the appointment, I had a hard time concentrating after he removed them! Partly I was giggling b/c he explained (again) that he'd use a magnet to find the whatever-it-is for future reconstruction procedures so I was imagining the various refrigerator magnets I could attach to myself one of these days. The thought's enough to almost get me going again right now!

On a more serious note: This morning I was reading my devotions and was struck about two things:
1.) God not only cares for me (duh!), but He's also caring for each one of my kids and my husband too. He knew the things they would need when we got this diagnosis and how He would be there for them, and the lessons they may learn as well. Sometimes we/I get caught up in remembering God's care and attention to my own needs that I was comforted to remember that He's got my entire family in mind as we walk along this.
2) God can lay his peace and assurance over us in much the same way a warm blanket calms and warms our bodies. A very dear friend made such a warm and fuzzy blanket for me so I was reminded of her care. I was also fingering a beautiful bookmark that another friend made especially to comfort me and made me feel beautiful - as I read from a book given to me from a a woman I've never met but she had written such exact words of God's care for me on the cover. Memory after memory and object after object triggered thoughts of the many ways that God has used you to offer peace and assurance. In all this - all this! - I praise God because I have been taught how to better care for other people because I have learned from you. Thank you is too small a phrase when I feel this tremendously blessed.


  1. Amanda, I too know what it is like to be tubeless and I can understand you being giddy. Your words warm me tonight as the tempature has dropped to 39 degrees and falling. Dear God, Thank-you for taking care of such a wonderful mother, wife and friend we are blessed beyond measure!
    Heidi D.

  2. And I too know that feeling of freedom, not to have to carry around those drains. Such a good thing. Your never alone...not only with God but also with friends who can identify with small parts of your journey. I also laughed about the "marking" entry...remember feeling and looking like Spider Man!
    God makes us be able to laugh at the crazy things and cries with us as well.
    Wishing you much more laughter at the crazy the refrigerator magnets. :)

  3. I can definitely relate to having the drains removed and the freedom that affords. I am so grateful to God for your amazing sense of humor. I needed a good laugh this morning and the refrigerator magnets was just the ticket! I may just have to head over to "Bed, Bath & Beyond to see what I can find.

    We all love you very much Amanda!

  4. I highly recommend the fruit magnets. They are colorful, chunky, and can accessorize any outfit! This time of year, apples are "in". Feel free to explore your "wild side" and add pumpkins or other gourds to your outfit. You'll be the belle of the ball!
