Friday, October 30, 2009

Hair today...gone today - and tomorrow

And so it goes, and so it goes. Showered today and had strands of hair entwined in my fingers. Not enough to necessitate at head cover yet, but certainly enough that I bypassed the hairdryer for a finger-styled look. And hair spray - to 'glue' it on :) Tonight might be a night of Josh shaving my head with the clippers because that seems a lot cleaner than flying it all over the bathroom. We shall see!

Had round 2 of chemo yesterday. The treatments themselves are pretty uneventful. The day was gorgeous, so I took the dog for a walk, ate some lunch, and then walked with Esther. Then....I crashed! I curled up in bed until I rolled out for another followup appointment with the plastic surgeon, Dr. Cullen. Unfortunately he was working out of his office in Byron Center (about 40 minutes away) and the car ride just about got the better of me. Thankfully, I now keep a stash of my 'extra' anti-nausea drugs in my purse, so we got there and back without incident. Yea! After that, I crawled back in bed and didn't emerge again until about midnight when I had a cup of jello. What a day!

Today's been not much more exciting. I sliced an apple for the kids' lunch, ate some toast, and then plopped on the couch and have only removed myself to shower and another quick appointment. Next on my agenda: eat some dinner and write some cards. Big plans!!

Sorry, no deep thoughts for today. They've all left with my hairs. :)


  1. All I can say is that I love you and pray for the power of positive thinking!!!! (Shaved head look may look even better on you with a sweet pair of shades and a beach volleyball bikini:)) Love you tons!! - Sarah

  2. Prayers for you this week Amanda. No deep thoughts from me either but I have no excuse. Just prayers, daily prayers for you and your family.

