Friday, October 16, 2009

The next day....

So far so good!

I went for "The day after shot" (Neulasta?) that is supposed to help bump up the white blood cells again. Downside: bone aches. Since white blood cells are created within your bones, they kinda go into overload. I asked, "Besides Tylenol for that, are there other options for counteracting the aching." Answer: "Of course! We have drugs for that!!" You can see I'm not a real fan of drugs, but, like I keep saying , "It is, what it is."

So, another good day!

New prayer request:
Overcoming mental hurdles. I may be or get tired, but I can do it!!

OK, the awaited haircut picture:



Strands were donated to a local kids group: Children With Hairloss (CWHL) Levi keeps looking at those strands of hair and saying, "Broke, Mom! Broke!" Cutie!


  1. What an amazing gift you have given to so many children by donating your long locks! And, as I recall in one a dear friend cut your hair it was "cut...puke...cut...puke". Gotta say, after all that cutting and puking, you look great! Sweet comment by Levi =) The observations of a child can bring a lot of humor... Blessings on you and yours, Jan Kok

  2. Hi Amanda,

    I ditto the comment about blessing children with your beautiful hair! I am amazed at your strength as you walk this journey. Praise God for your good days...."Lord, we thank-you for giving Amanda good days and we ask boldly for more good days for her and her family. Protect them Lord, carry them to the finish line....heal Amanda....Amen"

  3. Very cute. I was amazed to see you in church today and almost didn't recognize you for a minute. :) So glad to hear that you're having some good moments as well...answers to many prayers.
    ~Michelle Norquist

  4. Hi Amanda,
    just a quick try to see if this time I can post a comment, something I have never been able to do. You are in our prayers!
    Lots of love!

  5. Amanda - great cheek bones!! WOW!! Loving the new do, no matter how temporary!! So glad you have had a couple of good days, and praying for many many more! Let me know if you need help with transportation for Esther!
    Pink Hugs,

  6. You are beautiful with long and short hair!!!! But really.... you are just a beautiful person!!!!!

