Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A word on tissue expanders

(I did have a request posted for a mattress topper, but we're all set. Thanks everyone!!)

If ever you hear a doc speak of 'tissue expanders' be afraid - be very afraid! The purpose of these is a very good thing. According to plasticsurgery.org "Tissue expansion is a relatively straightforward procedure that enables the body to "grow" extra skin for use in reconstructing almost any part of the body.... It is most commonly used for breast reconstruction ... but it's also used to repair skin damaged by birth defects, accidents or surgery, and in certain cosmetic procedures." Sounds easy enough, huh? For me it means putting the pectoralis muscle on my chest into a hyper-stretch until it becomes flexible enough that it's the 'new normal.' Josh is gonna go to the pharmacy (my new best friend) to get some pain meds a bit stronger than Tylenol. It's a med I've had good luck w/ before, but pray I don't puke! :)

As far as the side-effects of chemo - pretty much nil! Yea!! I was feeling gross and a bit sorry for myself on Saturday until a good friend came over and took care of me by getting rid of neck strain and detoxing my system. Such a good thing!! What I don't know is whether chemo has a cumulative effect or if this week is a good representation of what to expect throughout the treatment: another prayer request.

I got on the treadmill the other day and spent the time counting my blessings - they exceeded my time on the treadmill! I cannot say 'thank you' often enough and to enough people. Even when I'm not seeking God, He finds me through a card, a word, or special something that someone shares and THAT is comfort. My recovery process has been strengthened through each prayer and act of kindness. Thank you!


  1. hi amanda & josh. i wanted to find your mailing address so i could send you a card. I knew that you had a blog going so i tried here. Joanne and I are thinking of you and praying for you. I pray that you will be blessed as i have with the love and prayers of God's family. thanks for the blog, it helps us to maybe pray more specifically. incidentally, danielle flew in yesterday (sat) and since my hair was rapidly leaving the dome, her and rick gave me a tight buzz cut. looks ok, just a little chilly. love, gary meyering

  2. Hi Amanda,
    Good to hear that treatment has gone well so far. In response to your question about a "cumulative" effect, in John's case it was a yes. He felt pretty good after cycle 1, then went into cycle 2 thinking it would be just as easy...not so much. Not to scare you, but more to say be prepared. After cycle 2, he went into cycle 3 with much different expectations, and actually did better for it. Anyway, keep up the good spirits. We're praying for you.
    In Christ, Sara

  3. Yes, Sara, I'm feeling a bit more of the nausea this time than I remember last time. I was thinking it was my paranoia of getting sick that hung me up last time, but realizing that it just plain knocks you out. Thankfully, if my trends stay about the same, I'll be on an upswing soon. Thanks again for your support - we're praying for you guys as well! Come soon (but healthy), Baby Jack!
