Friday, October 9, 2009

Small request:

I'm loving the comments that everyone makes! Thank you so very much!
I'm right there with you if the 'Comment as:' option is a bit weird. I don't really get it myself. If you choose the 'anonymous' option or if you have an unusual user name, please put your first and last name in the comments so that I know who's writing to me. If for whatever reason you prefer not to leave comments here, you can always email me directly at

It's a little thing, I know, but since you are so willing to help me through this, I appreciate knowing through whom my support and encouragement has come.


  1. Amanda,
    I am so sorry you have to be tested so severely. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers in the weeks to come. As you know you are in for a very rough ride, but keep strong in your faith and love for your family. Laurie Parr

  2. Amanda,
    I don't actually know you, but am a high school friend of Josh's. Just wanted to say that I have been following this & am so touched by your attitude & are amazing. You and your family are in my prayers daily...may God give you what you need each day in this difficult journey. Melissa Timmer

  3. Amanda,
    I do not pretend to understand what it feels like to be in your shoes. However, I understand how it feels like to feel the grace of God carrying you through unimaginable times. It is my prayer that His grace may continue to be sufficient for you, Josh and all your loved ones.
    Bro. Gerald Baraza

  4. Amanda, Josh and family,
    You are being prayed for daily. The road you are traveling on will be miles and miles filled with twists and turns, but look for all of God's goodness along the way visible through all of the support, prays and hugs (real and virtual)from all those who care and love you. Love you all
    Joan L
