Friday, October 9, 2009

It's been brought to my attention:

that I haven't mentioned the start date for the chemo treatments. The first cycle will begin this coming Thursday, October 15. I go in on Monday to have the port put in and then will start the craziness on Thursday.

It's an emotional process for me because it feels the beginning of the true treatment FOR cancer. Sigh. And I'll lose my hair. I'm trying to gain the courage to donate my hair to the local Locks of Love and play around with a short pixie cut for a few weeks while I'll still have hair. Sigh. It'll be done, I just need to take the first step and admit that it needs to be done. Sigh...and cry.


  1. For what it's worth, many hats will arrive with Jim on the 20th! :)

    Love you,

  2. You are always thinking of others. Thank you for being an inspiration even though life hurts. We are praying!

  3. Amanda, are right, this brings the reality of being a cancer patient a lot closer. Hair or no hair, Amanda, you are a courageous and beautiful daughter of God! "Lord, carry your daughter Amanda through this journey. Give her strength to face the challenges of each step. Provide for her each day. We put our trust in you Lord our Heavenly Father. Amen"

  4. I just want you to know that you will be in my prayers this week. We're focusing on Psalm 23 tomorrow morning at Monroe Community Church- I pray you will feel this comfort too. And we pray for quick and complete healing.
    -Amy Schenkel
    PS There is a woman in our church who is very involved with Gilda's club- they have amazing services for you and your family. If you don't know about this I'd be happy to get you connected.

  5. Amanda, seeing you in church this am reminded me of how both strong and fragile you[and all of us] are. I just had Levi in the 9am class and we made and art project, when I asked him who it was for, he said "Mommy", you have so much to be proud of and so much to be strong for. This next week will be new and scary, but hang in there, many are praying and you have the grace of "I am" on your side. Blessings, Chris Knapp
